About Us

We are all local people with an interest in getting together and enjoying each other’s company

Below is the broadcast about our shed shown on BBC 1 South East on 26th February 2023. 

We are a registered charity and in compliance with the Charity Commission have trustees who are responsible for the overall direction and governance of the company. The trustees are also Shedders, but they complete their formal duties once a year at the AGM.

Day to day running of the shed is by the members some of whom are on a committee. Monthly meetings are held where everyone is invited to come and discuss the activities both current and proposed.

Apart from drinking tea and coffee, having a biscuit and having a chat we also have a well-equipped workshop and we make things.

We provide training courses in the use of our equipment. So, if you don’t know what a router or other piece of equipment does then this is your chance to learn from an expert at no cost and operate it under skilled supervision.

We are always willing to help local organisations if they need help that fits within our capabilities, and we can complete the work in the Shed.


We usually can only undertake projects that can be completed in the Shed under supervision.

As a registered charity we work together to raise funds by selling items that we make for sale at Christmas and May Fairs such as bird boxes, walking sticks and garden tools.

We will also consider projects on a case by case basis where we can make something to order that falls within our skill sets. The terms of accepting such projects are that the person requiring the work provides or pays for all the materials required. They can also make a donation to the charity for the time spent in completing the project.